by Rod Crittenden | Jan 28, 2022 | Business, Great Lakes Floral & Event Expo, Great Lakes Floral Association, News
Preparations are under way for the GLFA Raffle/Silent Auction to beheld at the 2022 Great Lakes Floral & Event Expo! With YOUR help, we plan to make this a great fund raising event! Please consider donating items! Examples may include: gift baskets, sporting event...
by Rod Crittenden | Jan 20, 2022 | Business, Great Lakes Floral & Event Expo, Great Lakes Floral Association, News
The Great Lakes Floral & Events Expo (GLFEE) returns to the Devos Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan on March 4th – March 6th, 2022. One of the most renowned floral and events conventions in the nation will be in-person again for the first time since 2020. It...
by Rod Crittenden | Apr 21, 2021 | Business, Great Lakes Floral Association, News
Sponsored by and in partnership with: The Great Lakes Floral Association’s Design Contest is one of the most prestigious contests in the nation. The contest serves as an exceptional opportunity for designers to learn and exchange new ideas, receive professional...
by Rod Crittenden | Apr 21, 2021 | Business, Great Lakes Floral Association
273 members of the Great Lakes Floral Association (GLFA) registered for “Petaling Into The Future” the 2021 Virtual Great Lakes Floral & Event Expo, which was held on Sunday March 7, 2021. The event began promptly at 9:00am EST with 2021 GLFEE Chair...
by Rod Crittenden | Jul 23, 2020 | Business, Great Lakes Floral Association
The Great Lakes Floral Association has partnered with the Michigan Association of Broadcasters (MAB) and developed a radio and television promotion designed to get consumers to buy more flowers. The campaign is titled “Hugs and Smiles” and will run July 27, 2020...
by Rod Crittenden | Jul 10, 2020 | Business, Great Lakes Floral Association
Earlier today Governor Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-147 requiring masks be worn in businesses and for businesses to refuse entry to those who don’t. Read EO 2020-147 here: EO 2020-147 Emerg order – Masks Download No Mask No Service Sign here:...