2016 Fall Regional Meetings

The Michigan Floral Association Board of Directors has put together seven great regional opportunities to get together, learn and network this fall.  The meetings have been scheduled in the following cities: Ypsilanti, Gaylord, Saginaw, Kalamazoo, Romulus, Grand Rapids and Lansing.  The idea is to meet at a relaxing venue, not too far from your shop, where you and your co-workers can grab a beverage and a bit to eat, then share ideas and learn.  You’ll take home information and concepts that you can implement in your business in the near future if not the very next day.

The meeting formats are mixed between business roundtable sessions and design presentations.  Business session topics scheduled for discussion will include but are not limited to; Branding, Social Media, Fresh Ideas to Help You Now, Holiday Best Practices, and Bridging the Gap Between Florists and Rental Shops.  Design presentation topics include; Bohemian Designs, Creating “WOW” On A Budget, Don’t be “SPOOKED” by Fall and Everything’s Coming Up Roses.

The meetings are open to both members and non-members and will provide useful information for both business owners and their employees.   You are invited and encouraged to bring a co-worker or industry friend.  Here’re the meeting schedule, location, and topics for Fall 2016.

Ypsilanti • Thursday – August 25: 7:30pm – 9:00pm

Business Round Table Discussion: “Branding, Social Media, Fresh Ideas to Help You Now!”
w/Tim Galea (Owners & Spouses Only)
Norton’s Flowers & Gifts •2900 Washtenaw Ave, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
No Charge to Attend • Hamburgers & Hotdogs served
RSVP to Tim Galea at (734) 434-2700 or email tgalea@nortonsflowers.com

Gaylord • Wednesday – September 28 / 6:00pm – 8:30pm

“Bohemian Designs”
w/Derek Woodruff, AIFD, CF, PFCI
“BJ’s Restaurant” 990 North Center Avenue, Gaylord, MI 49734
$10 per person • Food and Drink on own.

Saginaw • Tuesday – October 11 / 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Creating WOW On A Budget”
w/Kim Herbers
“The Cove” in Uno’s Pizzeria Sheraton Four Points (right off I 675) • 4960 Towne Centre Rd., Saginaw, MI 48604
$10 per person. • Food and Drink on own.

Kalamazoo • Tuesday – October 11 / 6:00pm – 8:30pm

“Don’t Be SPOOKED By Fall”
w/Robbin Yelverton, AAF, AIFD, CF, PFCI
Jac’s Cekola’s Pizza • 7638 S Westnedge, Portage MI 49002
$10 per person. • Food and Drink on own.

Romulus • Wednesday – October 12 / 6:00pm – 8:30pm

“Everything’s Coming Up Roses”
w/Jerome Raska, AAF, AIFD, CF, PFCI
Mayesh Wholesale • 35935 Ecorse Road, Romulus, MI 48174
$10 per person • Food and Drink provided

Grand Rapids • Wednesday – October 26 / 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Business Round Table Discussion: “Holiday Best Practices”
w/Kiersten Schulte, Allison Ludema & Marisa Rakowski, CF
Downtown Market Grand Rapids •  435 Ionia Ave., Grand Rapids, MI 49503
$10 per person. • Food and Drink on own.

Lansing • Wednesday – November 2 / 6:00pm – 8:30pm

“Bridging the Gap Between Florists and Rental Shops”
w/Andrew Maglio & Scott Awad, AIFD, CF
Events To Rent Inc.  • 144 North Harrison Road, East Lansing, MI 48823
$10 per person. • Finger foods, hors d’oeuvres, Cheap wine.

We sincerely hope you are able to take advantage of these great opportunities.  To register for one or all of the regional meetings simply call (517) 575-0110, email cindy@michiganfloral.org, or visit www.michiganfloral.org (Events Tab).