2025 Great Lakes Floral & Event Expo Exhibitor Contract


  • 2025 Great Lakes Floral & Event Expo
    “Ignite & Inspire..Rekindle Your Floral Flame”
    February 28 - March 2, 2025
    DeVos Place / Steelcase Ballroom B, Grand Rapids, MI
  • The Great Lakes Floral Association (GLFA) hereby leases to
  • Select Exhibitor Option

  • 1st Choice2nd Choice3rd Choice
    *(If you plan to be an Exhibitor Sponsor, your booth is included in your sponsorship. See below for sponsorship options and pricing.):
    $495 GLFA MEMBER (10’ x 10’) Premium End Cap Space: Additional $50 per booth
    $695 NON-MEMBER (10’ x 10’) Premium End Cap Space: Additional $50 per booth
    Fishing Hole Table: Additional $50.00
    Purchase of one booth: full payment due with contract. Two or more booths: 50% deposit required to hold spaces.
    Balance due no later than Monday, January 6, 2025.

    If cancellation of GLFA Trade Show space(s) is received by: January 6, 2025 - Advance payments will be refunded less a 20% administration fee based on the total reserved space.  After January 6, 2025 - NO REFUND unless GLFA can resell the space(s).  If resold, a 50% refund will be paid on the resold portion.

  • List the product or service that you will feature in your booth(s).
  • NAME BADGES: List the names of the individuals who will be working in the exhibit area. Two weekend passes included per 10’ x 10’ booth.
    Additional passes are available at published prices. Call the GLFA office at (517) 575-0110 to register for extra passes.

  • Please print first and last name’s as they are to appear on the badge. PLEASE PRINT - Separate names using a comma.

    Gold Sponsor Package
    ($7090.00 Value SAVE $5091.00)

    • Logo featured the main stage HD
    screen sponsors shuffle between
    main stage shows throughout the
    event. (Value $2500)
    • Links on GLFEE & Professional
    Partners web pages (Value $1200)
    • Convention Booth – Up to 10’x20’
    (Value $1400)
    • Full Page Convention Program Ad
    (Value $500)
    • 2 Extra Weekend Passes
    (4 total Value $1340)
    • Business Card in 6 issues
    Professional Florist (Value $150)
    • 4 Spotlight/Ad on GLFA social media
    pages (Instagram & Facebook)
    • Excel file prior to and after event
    with all attendees listed.

    Silver Sponsor Package
    ($3690.00 Value SAVE $2391.00)

    • Links on GLFEE & Professional
    Partners web pages (Value $1200)
    • Convention Booth – Up to 10’x10’
    (Value $700)
    • 1/2 Page Convention Program Ad
    (Value $300)
    • 2 Extra Weekend Passes
    (4 total Value $1340)
    • Business Card in 6 issues
    Professional Florist (Value $150)
    • 2 Spotlight/Ad on GLFA social media
    pages (Instagram & Facebook)
    • Excel file prior to and after event
    with all attendees listed.

    Bronze Sponsor Package
    ($2605.00 Value SAVE $1706.00)

    • Link on Professional Partners
    website page (Value $600)
    • Convention Booth – Up to 10’x10’
    (Value $700)
    • 1 Extra Weekend Passes
    (3 total Value $1005)
    • Excel file prior to and after event
    with all attendees listed.



    Please fill in the below spaces to proceed

    For and in consideration of the lease and or sponsorship, (firm name) hereby agrees to pay to the order of GREAT LAKES FLORAL ASSOCIATION, the sum of $ which covers booth space rental, sponsorships, for the entire period of the GLFEE.  See sponsorship package descriptions listed on page 1.  The above firm agrees to have booth fully set up by 10:00pm on Friday, February 28, 2025. Furthermore, the firm will NOT remove, package, prepack or do any other form of dismantling in its booth(s) until after 2:30pm on Sunday, March 2, 2025

  • LIABILITY:The Great Lakes Floral Association (GLFA) shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or injury that may occur to the Exhibitor or the Exhibitor’s employees or property from any cause whatsoever, prior to, during, or subsequent to the period covered by the Exhibit Contract; and the Exhibitor, in signing the Contract, expressly releases the Great Lakes Floral Association from, and agrees to indemnify same against any and all claims for such loss, damage, or injury. Any damages to the building due to carelessness of the Exhibitor must be paid for by the Exhibitor causing it. Also, the Great Lakes Floral Association shall not be responsible for any damage to the Exhibitor’s business for failure to hold meetings as scheduled. The Exhibitor assumes the entire responsibility and liability for losses, damages, and claims arising out of injury to persons or damage to exhibitor’s displays, equipment, or other property brought upon the premises of the DeVos Place Grand Rapids, MI and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Group, the DeVos Place Grand Rapids, MI and its owners, servants, agents, and employees against all claims or expenses for such losses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising out of the use of the DeVos Place premises excluding any liability caused by the negligence of the Group or the DeVos Place or its owners, servants, agents, and employees. The Exhibitor understands that neither the Group nor the DeVos Place maintains insurance covering the Exhibitor’s property or lost revenue and it is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to obtain such insurance. It is the Group’s responsibility to adhere to local fire codes and have the proposed floor plan approved by the local fire Marshal. The DeVos Place requires receipt of the approved floor plan 60 days prior to the Show. The Exhibitor agrees to abide by the following rules and regulations for the Trade Show. Any deviation, without the express permission of GLFA, may result in removal from the show and loss of any monies paid.



    1. Booths will be fully set up and ready for business by 10:00pm Friday, February 28, 2025.

    2. No part of the booth will be packaged, pre-packed, removed nor will any other form of booth dismantling be allowed prior to Sunday, March 2, 2025, at 2:30 pm.

    3. Booth display may be sold but not removed from the booth prior to 2:30p Sunday, March 2, 2025.

    4. Behavior in a disorderly, abusive or other manner not generally acceptable to the general public won’t be permitted.

    5. The firm or individual’s whose name appears on this contract takes responsibility for any and all individuals representing the company or himself while at the Trade Show.

    6. Booth displays with sides over 3’ in height may not extend more than 4’ from the back drape/wall. Special arrangements can be made for displays not meeting these criteria.

    7. Sales representatives not participating in the Trade Show or who’s company is not a GLFEE sponsor may not solicit on the convention property or attend the GLFEE.

    8. Upon directive of the Fire Marshal, all freestanding display units must be kept exactly within space allowed. NO EXCEPTIONS. They must be made of sturdy materials that will not tip over easily. Exhibit booths posing any potential accident hazards to our show guests will be removed from the show upon request of show management.

    9. Booth floor space is premeasured and marked with pipe and drape. Please take into consideration the width of your shelving units as these cut down on your selling floor space. All merchandise and display items must be kept within your rented space. Items extending into the aisle space will be moved or removed by the show management.

    10. Do not ship materials to GLFA office.  All pre-show shipments must go through Art Craft Display.


    INTERNET / ELECTRIC here: https://www.devosplace.org/p/visit/exhibitor-forms


    Pre-show Shipments:  Bill Vanderbos: bvanderbos@artcraftdisplay.com will email each exhibitor prior to the GLFEE with information on ordering tables, etc.

    This can also be found at www.glfee.com under the Exhibitor Info tab.



    Friday February 28, 2025 8:00am to 5:00pmAll booths must be set by 10:00pm for cleaning of the Exhibit Hall.



    Sunday, March 2, 2025, from 2:30pm to 6:00pm. Teardown is prohibited prior to 2:30pm.


    TRADE SHOW HOURS:            Saturday, March 1;10:00am - 4:30pm; 5:30pm - 6:30pm (President’s Reception on the Trade Show floor)

                                                   Sunday, March 2;10:00am - 2:30pm



    Each 10’ x 10’ booth will be carpeted with two chairs and one-line standard identification sign.



    The height of each exhibit is not to exceed 8’ at the peak. Side walls over 3’ in height may not extend further than 4’ from the back wall of the exhibit space.

    Special arrangements can be made for exhibits exceeding these dimensions. All merchandise and display items must be kept within your rented 10’ x 10’ space. Items extending into the aisle space will be moved or removed by the show management. Each exhibitor must agree to set up a display in keeping with the standards of quality with other exhibitors. All exhibits must comply with regulations of the DeVos Place, Grand Rapids; MI. Fire exits must be kept open. The individual exhibitor, not GLFA, will be liable for violations of any fire regulations.



    Exhibitors are allowed to sell merchandise from their booths.  The Great Lakes Floral Association will not be responsible for any merchandise lost or stolen from any booth or exhibit. Exhibitors are responsible for securing their merchandise and staffing their booth at all times.



    Online reservation link visit: www.GLFEE.com Click on Hotel link for special guaranteed rate of $164 ++per night.  Reserve prior to 1/31/25 to be insured this rate.


    If you need further assistance, please call the GLFA office at (517) 575-0110 or check the GLFEE website at www.GLFEE.com
